Here you will find everything you need to know about the My Babiie i-Size Infant Carrier

MBCS0B | Get to know the My Babiie i-Size Infant Carrier and ISOFIX base (40-87cm)

Frequently asked questions

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i-Size car seats are gauged by the by the child's height. The maximum height limit for the child is 87cm.

Yes, the infant carrier can be attached to the My Babiie MB200i, MB250i or the MB500i pushchairs.

The safest way for a baby to travel is to be tightly harnessed into an infant car seat, which is in a rearward facing position, secured on the back middle seat of the car. Or behind passenger if the car doesn't allow for this.

The handle should be positioned forward towards the baby's feet when driving. This is because your child's seat can rebound in a collision, and having the handle in the correct position prevents this from happening.

An infant car seat must be rear facing, up until your baby is 15 months old. At this point, they would progress to a 0123 car seat.

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